Stockwell Group Practice
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PPG Meeting minutes

The next joint Stockwell PPG forum is being held on 3rd July 2019.

Please click the link below for further info and agenda.

View the Forum Agenda

On 27th February 2019, our practice attended an event with other local GPs, the Stockwell Forum and the Lambeth Patient Participation Group (PPG) Network for an event: Stockwell Health & Wellbeing Forum.

Dr McKay and Stacey Henry Deputy Practice manager for our practice were at the event, along with 4 other local GP practices, we are working with. Along with the GP surgeries, organisations from Youth, Community, Arts, Schools, Education, Employment, and local residents were all represented. Representatives from Lambeth’s NHS Clinical Commissioning Group also attended the event.

After an introduction by the Chair Mr Steven Griffin from Stockwell Partnership on the health sector’s primary focus on preventative work with local communities and residents. The introduction talk was followed by a fun drawing exercise run by Arts4Space which is run by local community arts group. The activity involved drawing the person next to them without looking at the paper. The facilitator concluded the activity explaining about the process connected to the famous ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’.

The activity was followed by short talks by local organisations supporting wellbeing, including Hyde Housing, Active Together, Respeito, Dr Vik Sharma (Grantham Practice / Lambeth Portuguese Wellbeing Partnership / Food Coop), Enterprise LDN, Big Kid Foundation, Oval Learning Cluster, TSIP, Healthwatch Lambeth and Linda Mills (Complementary Health).

The event continued with talks from Sandra & PPG Network explaining the different process taken by GP practices local communities as well as each other to improve Health and wellbeing of local population. This was followed by an open discussion about new ideas and different ways to benefit local community. A significant number of interesting ideas were put forward by participants about enhanced engagement, increase online resources and more opportunities to connect in person.

On behalf of the practice we would like to thank the organisers, the event’s partners, especially Stockwell Forum. Partners included the local GP cluster (Stockwell Group Practice, Beckett House Practice, Grantham Practice, Binfield Road Practice and Springfield Medical Centre), Lambeth NHS CCG, Lambeth PPG, the Lambeth Portuguese Wellbeing Partnership, Art4Space and Lambeth Council. For more information, or to receive the summary of ideas that came out from the tables, contact Steve Griffin at Stockwell Partnership (

What happens next? We will email the participants to propose a follow-up meeting in the next month, where we can go into more detail on some of the fantastic ideas that came up in the forum.

If you would like to take an active part in any aspect of the forum or our Patient Group, including sharing any health and wellbeing projects you are involved in, please let us know via email

Date published: 17th September, 2019
Date last updated: 17th September, 2019